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Programs : Featured

This is a listing of all the featured programs in the program catalog. You can view the brochure for any of these programs by clicking on the program name.
Featured Programs
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Colin Powell Global Engagement Scholarship
Terms: Fall, Spring, Summer, Winter
Description: The Colin Powell Global Engagement Scholarship is a merit-based scholarship to be awarded to outstanding undergraduate students with demonstrated leadership abilities who seek to participate in study abroad programs.  Scholarships may be awarded [...]
Critchfield Scholarship/Grant
Terms: Fall, Spring, Summer
Description: Scholarship/Grant Application for Study Abroad Programs in the Middle East Scholarships are for study abroad programs in the area from Egypt eastward, including the Levant, the Arabian Peninsula, Turkey and the Gulf.    Awards ty pically[...]
Dublin Global Business Minor Program Scholarship
Terms: Summer
Description: Note: to apply, please open up your W&M Dublin Global Business Minor Program application first, BEFORE opening the scholarship application. The Dublin Global Business Minor scholarship applies to students wishing to study w ith[...]
First Abroad Scholarship Program St. Andrews, United Kingdom
Terms: Short-Term/Uncoded Description: W&M – St Andrews First Abroad Scholarship Program    Have you wondered if study abroad is for you? Free for Spring Break 2025? Are you new at W&M? This funded (including international airfare!) spring break 2025 t rip[...]
Gates Scholarship
Terms: Fall, Spring, Summer
Description: The Robert M. & Rebecca W. Gates Scholarship is a merit-based scholarship to be awarded to outstanding students with a declared major in Global Studies, International Relations, or Africana Studies.  Awards are $7500 for semester, an d[...]
Gregory Tepper Scholarship
Terms: Summer
Description: The Gregory Tepper Scholarship is a merit based scholarship that provides support for undergraduate students to study abroad.  Students participating in the Russian Language Vilnius, Lithuania program eligible to apply. W&M Summer- V ilnius,[...]
Holmes Scholarship
Terms: Fall, Spring, Summer
Description: The Holmes Scholarship is a need-based scholarship for Art and Art History majors for study abroad in Florence, Italy. Preference will be given to students who have an Art History concentration in their Junior or Senior year.  Awards are up t o[...]
Korea Scholarship
Terms: Fall, Spring, Summer
Description: The Korea Scholarship provides financial assistance to W&M students who wish to study in the Republic of Korea. Preference will be given to students with financial need participating in the W&M Exchange - Yonsei University program.  This [...]
Mesarick Scholarship
Terms: Fall, Spring, Summer
Description: The Berit T. and John R. Mesarick Scholarship is to be used to provide assistance to W&M students studying in Norway or other Scandinavian countries. This scholarship is open to students studying during any term. To find approved programs, studen ts[...]
Meyers Stern Scholarship
Terms: Fall, Spring, Summer
Description: The Meyers Stern Scholarship is a new merit-based scholarship to be awarded to a student studying Judaic Studies in Israel or other location based upon approval from Judaic Studies.   Awards are up to $10,000 and students are eligible to appl y[...]
Nance Scholarship
Terms: Fall, Spring
Description: The Judy P. and Peter M. Nance Scholarship is a need-based study abroad scholarship for undergraduate W&M students who qualify for Federal financial aid.  The Global Education Office will work closely with the Office of Financial Aid to sele ct[...]
Reves Embedded Study Abroad Program Scholarship
Terms: Short-Term/Uncoded
Description: Note: to apply, please open up your W&M Faculty-Led Embedded Program application first, BEFORE opening the scholarship application. Reves Embedded Scholarships apply to students wishing to study with a W&M Faculty Led E mbedded[...]
Reves Summer Scholarship
Terms: Summer
Description: Note: to apply, please open up your W&M Faculty-Led Summer Program application first, BEFORE opening the scholarship application. Reves Summer Scholarships apply to students wishing to study with a W&M Faculty Led Summe r Program;[...]
Reves Winter Scholarship
Terms: Winter
Description: Reves Winter Scholarships apply to students wishing to study with a W&M Faculty Led Winter Program; these scholarships may not be used for study on other programs including Mason Business School programs, Embedded Programs, or Third Party Pr ovider[...]
Sell Scholarship
Terms: Academic Year, Fall, Spring, Summer
Description: The Sell Scholarship is intended to support students studying abroad in Latvia, the Baltic States region generally, Czechia, and Slovakia. Preference will be given to applications for funding to study abroad in Latvia.
Semester Study Abroad Scholarship
Terms: Fall, Spring
Description: This scholarship applies to students wishing to study abroad during the fall or spring semester.  This is a need-based study abroad scholarship for undergraduate W&M students who qualify for Federal financial aid.  The Global Educa tion[...]
Sullivan-Fildes Scholarship
Terms: Academic Year
Description: This scholarship bears the names of its founders—Timothy J. Sullivan, President Emeritus of the College of William & Mary in Virginia and Christopher Fildes, a Scholar of Balliol College, Oxford, who holds an honorary Doctorate from the Uni versity[...]
W&M Embedded Global Scholars Program: Beijing Beijing, China
Terms: Short-Term/Uncoded Description: The Beijing, China Embedded Study Abroad Program over Winter Break 2024-2025 is part of the Global Scholars Program. GEO Advisor: Lisa Roney  Program Director: Prof. Kyuri Park
W&M Embedded Global Scholars Program: Brussels & Paris Brussels, Belgium; Paris, France
Terms: Short-Term/Uncoded Description: The Brussels - Paris Embedded Study Abroad Program over spring break 2025 is part of the Global Scholars Program. Students will be traveling to Brussels and Paris over Spring Break 2025 to engage in relevant site visits and meetings with experts a s[...]
W&M Embedded School of Education: Ireland Dublin, Ireland
Terms: Short-Term/Uncoded Description: Overview: Internationalization of higher education and globalization are at the forefront of our field. The global nature of our society and the impact of globalization on education within the United States require educational administrators to have [...]
W&M Exchange- Akita (Exchange) Akita, Japan
Terms: Academic Year, Fall, Spring Description: Terms | Application Deadlines | Course Information | Program Fees | Housing and Meals | Eligibility   Akita International University (AIU) is a small, four-year liberal arts university [...]
W&M Exchange- Cardiff (Exchange) Cardiff, United Kingdom
Terms: Academic Year, Fall, Spring Description: Terms | Application Deadlines | Eligibility | Course Information | Program Fees | Housing and Meals  This program is closed for Spring 2025 - see a peer advisor for alternative program options in [...]
W&M Exchange- Exeter (Exchange) Exeter, United Kingdom
Terms: Academic Year, Fall, Spring Description:   Terms | Application Deadlines | Eligibility | Course Information | Program Fees | Passports & Visas | Housing and Meals  The University of Exeter is one of the highest ranked [...]
W&M Exchange- Keio (Exchange) Tokyo, Japan
Terms: Academic Year, Spring Description: Terms | Application Deadlines | Course Information | Program Fees | Housing and Meals | Eligibility   Keio University is Japan’s oldest institution of higher education and one of [...]
W&M Exchange- Leiden (Exchange) Leiden, Netherlands
Terms: Academic Year, Fall, Spring Description:   Terms | Application Deadlines | Eligibility | Course Information | Program Fees | Housing and Meals Leiden University is the oldest university in the Netherlands. Consistently ra nked[...]
W&M Exchange- Lille (Exchange) Lille, France
Terms: Academic Year, Calendar Year, Fall, Spring Description: Terms | Application Deadlines | Eligibility | Course Information | Program Fees | Housing and Meals This program is not open for Spring 2025 - see a peer advisor for alternative program options in the re gion. Sciences[...]
W&M Exchange- Montpellier (Exchange) Montpellier, France
Terms: Academic Year, Calendar Year, Fall, Spring Description: This Program is Not Accepting Applications for Fall 2025 - Please see the Montpellier Sponsored Semester Application The beautiful, vibrant city of Montpellier, located in the south of France, was founded at the end of the 11th [...]
W&M Exchange- Nottingham (Exchange) Nottingham, United Kingdom
Terms: Academic Year, Fall, Spring Description: Terms | Application Deadlines | Eligibility | Course Information | Program Fees | Housing and Meals  The University of Nottingham, one of the United Kingdom's top tier universities, [...]
W&M Exchange- Singapore (Exchange) Singapore, Singapore
Terms: Academic Year, Fall, Spring Description: Terms | Application Deadlines | Course Information | Program Fees | Housing and Meals | Eligibility National University of Singapore (NUS) is one of Asia’s top universities, and Singapore ’s[...]
W&M Exchange- St Andrews (Exchange) St. Andrews, United Kingdom
Terms: Academic Year, Fall, Spring Description:   Terms | Application Deadlines | Course Information | Program Fees | Housing and Meals | Eligibility The University of St Andrews, founded in 1413, is Scotland's oldest [...]
W&M Exchange- Tsinghua (Exchange) Beijing, China
Terms: Academic Year, Spring Description: Terms | Application Deadlines | Course Information | Program Fees | Housing and Meals | Eligibility Tsinghua University was founded in 1911 on the site of Tsinghua Garden in Beijing, a form er[...]
W&M Exchange- Vienna (Business Students Only) (Exchange) Vienna, Austria
Terms: Academic Year, Fall, Spring Description: Terms | Application Deadlines | Eligibility | Course Information | Program Fees | Housing and Meals   This competitive exchange is open only to W&M students admitted to the Mason School of Bu siness. Since[...]
W&M Exchange- Yonsei University (Exchange) Seoul, Korea, South
Terms: Academic Year, Fall, Spring Description:   Terms | Application Deadlines | Course Information | Program Fees | Housing and Meals | Eligibility   **Please note this program is closed for the 2023- 2024 Academic Year [...]
W&M Semester- La Plata La Plata, Argentina
Terms: Fall, Spring Description:   Program Description William & Mary’s sponsored semester program in La Plata, Argentina is offered in conjunction with the Comisión Provincial por la Memoria, an internationally recognized human rights education [...]
W&M Semester- Montpellier Montpellier, France
Terms: Academic Year, Fall, Spring Description:                              The beautiful, vibrant city of Montpellier, located in the south of France, was founded at the end of the 11th cen tury[...]
W&M Semester- Oxford (Hertford), Hilary and Trinity Terms Oxford, United Kingdom
Terms: Spring Description:   Hertford College is one of 45 constituent colleges and halls of Oxford University and is known for its “progressive yet friendly” atmosphere and high academic standards. Hertford College is located at the heart of the medieval [...]
W&M Semester- Oxford (Hertford), Michaelmas Term only Oxford, United Kingdom
Terms: Fall Description:   Hertford College is one of 45 constituent colleges and halls of Oxford University and is known for its “progressive yet friendly” atmosphere and high academic standards. Hertford College is located at the heart of the medi eval[...]
W&M Semester- Oxford (Hertford), Michelmas, Hilary, and Trinity Terms Oxford, United Kingdom
Terms: Academic Year Description:   Hertford College is one of 45 constituent colleges and halls of Oxford University and is known for its “progressive yet friendly” atmosphere and high academic standards. Hertford College is located at the heart of the medieval [...]
W&M Semester- Oxford (Hertford), Trinity Term only Oxford, United Kingdom
Terms: Spring Description:   Hertford College is one of 45 constituent colleges and halls of Oxford University and is known for its “progressive yet friendly” atmosphere and high academic standards. Hertford College is located at the heart of the medi eval[...]
W&M Semester- Sevilla (Seville) Seville, Spain
Terms: Academic Year, Fall, Spring Description: Program Description The W&M sponsored semester program is based at Universidad de Pablo Olavide (UPO) in Sevilla, Spain, and is administered through W&M’s partnership with Centro MundoLengua. UPO, established in 1997 ,[...]
W&M Semester- St Andrews (Assisted Enrollment) St. Andrews, United Kingdom
Terms: Academic Year, Fall, Spring Description: The University of St Andrews, founded in 1413, is Scotland's oldest university and the third oldest university in the English-speaking world. The university has over 8,900 students, with 45% of the student body coming from ou tside[...]
W&M Semester- Universite de la Reunion (Assisted Enrollment) Saint-Denis, Reunion
Terms: Fall, Spring Description: Study Abroad for a semester in Reunion Island (A French school located on the island of Reunion, off the coast of Madagascar) [A group of people outside a building at the Université de la Réunion] Study at the Université ;[...]
Save Program <b>W&M Semester- Universite de la Reunion (Assisted Enrollment)</b>
W&M Summer- Adelaide Adelaide, Australia
Terms: Summer Description: Program Information | Course Information | W&M Faculty | Dates | Deadlines | Program Fees | Eligibility | Handbooks *Application extended through February 3, 2025!!! Adelaide is the capital city of South Australia and is located on [...]
W&M Summer- Athens Athens, Greece
Terms: Summer Description: Program Information | Course Information | W&M Faculty | Dates | Deadlines | Program Fees | Eligibility | Handbooks Athens runs in Summer 2025. Its sister program Rome/Pompeii, runs in Summer 2026 . Athens is the capital and la rgest[...]
W&M Summer- Beijing Beijing, China
Terms: Summer Description: Beijing is the capital of China and is the nation's political, cultural, and educational center. A mix of ancient palaces, temples, gardens, tombs, and modern architecture, it is known for both its cutting edge modernity and pr eservation[...]
W&M Summer- Berlin Berlin, Germany
Terms: Summer Description: Program Information | Course Information | W&M Faculty | Dates | Deadlines | Program Fees | Eligibility | Handbooks Program Description: The College of William & Mary’s Berlin summer program offers participants the opportun ity[...]
W&M Summer- Cadiz Cádiz, Spain
Terms: Summer Description: Program Information | Course Information | W&M Faculty | Dates | Deadlines | Program Fees | Eligibility | Handbook Cádiz is an ancient port city in the Andalucia region of southwestern Spain. Cadiz was an important port&nbs p;in[...]
W&M Summer- Cambridge Cambridge, United Kingdom
Terms: Summer Description: Program Information | Course Information | W&M Faculty | Dates | Deadlines | Program Fees | Eligibility | Handbooks *Application extended through February 3, 2025!!! Cambridge is a city on the River Cam in eastern England, home t o[...]
W&M Summer- Cape Town Cape Town, South Africa
Terms: Summer Description: Program Information | Course Information | W&M Faculty | Dates | Deadlines | Program Fees | Eligibility | Handbooks *Application extended through February 3, 2025!!! Cape Town is the vibrant capital of South Africa and is a port city [...]
W&M Summer- Florence Florence, Italy
Terms: Summer Description: Program Information | Course Information | W&M Faculty | Dates | Deadlines | Program Fees | Eligibility | Handbooks Florence is the capital city of Tuscany and is known for its natural beauty, abundance of art and architecture, and fo r[...]
W&M Summer- Galway Galway, Ireland
Terms: Summer Description: Program Information | Course Information | W&M Faculty | Dates | Deadlines | Program Fees | Eligibility | Handbooks *Application extended through February 3, 2025!!! Galway is a charming city in the west of Ireland where the locals refe r[...]
W&M Summer- Goa & Bengaluru Bangalore, India; Goa, India
Terms: Summer Description: Program Information | Course Information | W&M Faculty | Dates | Deadlines | Program Fees | Eligibility | Handbooks *Application extended through February 3, 2025!!! Bengaluru, also referred to as Bangalore, is the capita l[...]
W&M Summer- Mason School of Business Global Business Minor Program in Dublin Dublin, Ireland
Terms: Summer Description: Application Deadline extended to 3 February 2025! EARN A GLOBAL BUSINESS MINOR DURING SUMMER STUDY ABROAD!! The Global Business Minor program is designed exclusively for non-business majors who desire an understanding of the fundamentals of [...]
W&M Summer- Montpellier Montpellier, France
Terms: Summer Description:   Program Information | Course Information | W&M Faculty | Dates | Deadlines | Program Fees | Eligibility | Handbooks APPLICATION DEADLINE: December 2, 2024 (at 11:59pm) Montpellier is located on the south coast of F rance[...]
W&M Summer- Palugo, Ecuador Palugo, Ecuador; Quito, Ecuador
Terms: Summer Description: Program Information | Course Information | W&M Faculty | Dates | Deadlines | Program Fees | Eligibility | Handbooks Deadline extended to February 3 Palugo Farm, where students will be housed and learn, is surrounded by majestic Andean [...]
W&M Summer- Prague Prague, Czech Republic
Terms: Summer Description: Program Information | Course Information | W&M Faculty | Dates | Deadlines | Program Fees | Eligibility | Handbooks Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, is an enchanting city, a maze of cobbled alleys lined with opulent palaces, [...]
W&M Summer- Santiago de Compostela Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Terms: Summer Description: Program Information | Course Information | W&M Faculty | Dates | Deadlines | Program Fees | Eligibility | Handbooks Santiago de Compostela’s Old Town, where students will complete their program, is a designated UNESCO World Heritage [...]
W&M Summer- St Andrews St. Andrews, United Kingdom
Terms: Summer Description: Program Information | Course Information | W&M Faculty | Dates | Deadlines | Program Fees | Eligibility | Handbooks EXTENDED APPLICATION DEADLINE: February 3rd, 2025 (11:59pm) The University of [...]
W&M Summer- Vilnius Vilnius, Lithuania
Terms: Summer Description: Program Description | Course Information | W&M Faculty | Dates | Deadlines | Program Fees | Eligibility | Handbooks Vilnius is the capital and largest city of Lithuania and is [...]
W&M Winter Auckland Auckland, New Zealand
Terms: Winter Description: This winter, make the most of your time off by joining the new Winter program in Auckland, New Zealand, where students will participate in a unique academic and cultural experience that introduces them to important topics in Indigenous Studies and Su stainability.[...]
W&M Winter Geneva Geneva, Switzerland
Terms: Winter Description: Students in this course will consider mental health treatment from a world view. With mental health illnesses on the rise, it is suitably recognized as a key area of focus by the World Health Organization (WHO), headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. [...]
W&M Winter Incheon Incheon, South Korea
Terms: Winter Description: The purpose of the program is to create a dynamic and collaborative educational experience that brings together William & Mary (WM) undergraduates and Incheon National University (INU) undergraduates for a shared exploration of environmental DNA [...]
W&M Winter Kigali Kigali, Rwanda
Terms: Winter Description: Overview: The people of Rwanda have endured many significant hardships, including the genocide that took the lives of a million people in 100 days. In recent years they have worked tirelessly to repair and restore their society and culture creatin g[...]
W&M Winter La Plata La Plata, Argentina
Terms: Winter Description:   The Winter La Plata Program is a two week program focused on human rights and open to non-Spanish speakers. Guided by faculty and staff from the Comisión Provincial por la Memoria--the human rights NGO headed by Nobel Pea ce[...]
W&M Winter London London, United Kingdom
Terms: Winter Description: Through this course, students will learn to read the culture and history of a place through its buildings and more specifically, come to understand the cultural and social relationship between London, the capital of the Anglophone world in the 17th a nd[...]
W&M Winter Muscat Muscat, Oman
Terms: Winter Description: Program Information: William & Mary’s January program in Oman will consist of a two-week study tour.  This year's program will use Muscat as a base and travel out to Ibri and a desert camp, exploring the variety of geography [...]
W&M Winter Osaka Kobe, Japan; Kyoto City, Japan; Osaka, Japan
Terms: Winter Description: IMPORTANT NOTE: All information regarding Winter 24-25 programs is subject to change. Anything below listed as "TBD" will be updated as information is fully confirmed - students who open applications with information listed as "TBD&qu ot;[...]
W&M Winter Salvador Salvador, Brazil
Terms: Winter Description: This course explores some of Brazil's many musical cultures by seeing, hearing, and feeling them firsthand in Bahia, Brazil. This means learning experientially by going to particular places, hearing/seeing practitioners speak and perform, and par ticipating[...]
Zachary James Vaughan Memorial Scholarship
Terms: Fall, Spring
Description: The family and friends of the late Zachary Vaughan ’07 established this scholarship in his memory. The scholarship will be awarded to a student with financial need for the purpose of studying abroad for a semester or academic year.  Studen ts[...]
Awarded Scholarships
Terms: Academic Year, Calendar Year, Fall, May Term, Short-Term/Uncoded, Spring, Summer, Winter
Description: Will not be active - backend award. 
University of Adelaide (Direct Enrollment) Adelaide, Australia
Terms: Academic Year, Fall, Spring Description: At times, a partner institution will suspend us sending students on an exchange program due to an imbalance in numbers. When this occurs, historical data supports that the exchange partner prevents W&M from sending exchange students for the [...]