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Programs : Brochure

This page is the brochure for your selected program. You can view the provided information for this program on this page and click on the available buttons for additional options.
  • Locations: Alicante, Spain
  • Program Terms: Academic Year, Fall, Spring
  • Homepage: Click to visit
  • Program Sponsor: Spanish Studies Abroad 
  • Restrictions: W&M applicants only
  • Dates / Deadlines
Program Description:


Spanish Studies Program - Alicante, Spain

quote_jordanWhy choose Alicante?
Alicante, the jewel of the Costa Blanca, is a charming harbor city that is both tranquil in its coastal climate and vibrant with modern Spanish life. The culture, architecture, language, and people have all been shaped by the region's rich history of sea merchants and conquerors.

About the Spanish Studies Program
The Spanish Studies program is specially designed for intermediate and advanced students in Spanish who want a rich immersion experience on a campus in Spain. The program integrates thoughtful synthesis of homestays, study visits, language exchanges, volunteer, and other cultural opportunities into the curriculum, so that you may more fully integrate into the alicantino culture.

Program Goals:
The goal of the Spanish Studies Program is to guide you to live as a member of alicantino culture, while gaining a profound understanding of your surroundings. Courses designed for international students learning Spanish and access to abundant cultural resources, workshops, and activities allow you to more fully integrate into campus life at Universidad de Alicante. A special Spanish Studies Abroad designed course in cultural immersion helps you to process your study abroad experience.

Program Highlights
The goal of the Spanish Studies Program is to guide you to live as a member of alicantino culture, while gaining a profound understanding of your surroundings. Courses designed for international students learning Spanish and access to abundant cultural resources, workshops, and activities allow you to more fully integrate into campus life at Universidad de Alicante. A special Spanish Studies Abroad designed course in cultural immersion helps you to process your study abroad experience.Through this coursework, homestays with native families, and multiple cross-cultural opportunities, students will find Spanish Studies Abroad in Alicante to be a highly immersive study abroad experience.


  • Intensive Language Period, designed to prepare you for life and study at Universidad de Alicante
  • Guided direct enrollment in courses specifically-designed for international students learning Spanish
  • Classes taught by Spanish professors
  • Independent Research Projects
  • Intercambios with native speakers


  • All-inclusive program-sponsored study trips
  • Visits to locations such as Granada, Valencia, los castillos árabes of Alicante, Cathedral of San Nicolás, local museums and cultural sites, and more!
  • Optional excursions to various other sites in Spain


  • Spanish Studies Abroad-designed course to aid cultural adaptation
  • Organized cultural activities with Spanish and international students
  • Citywide festivals, such as Moros y Cristianos, Hogueras de San Juan, and Carnaval
  • Volunteer opportunities
  • Access to campus life through student clubs, organizations, and university events
  • Homestays with local families

Program Inclusions:

Spanish Studies Abroad program fees include tuition, room & board, support of the onsite Spanish Studies Abroad Resident Director, pre-departure support, laundry, overnight and local study visits, cultural activities, orientation, health insurance, and a Spanish Studies Abroad transcript. Optional trips and activities are also available through the university.


  • Successful completion of two years of high school Spanish or two semesters of elementary college-level Spanish, heritage speaker, or the equivalent;
  • 3.0 GPA in Spanish coursework.
  • Enrollment in individual courses, especially language courses, depends upon your placement score on UA's Online Placement Examination and classroom performance during the add/drop period. 


Spanish Studies Abroad

433 West Street
Suite 8
Amherst MA, 01002
tel: (413) 256-0011

Dates / Deadlines:
Dates / Deadlines:
Term Year App Deadline Approximate Decision Date (Subject To Change) Start Date End Date
Spring 2025 11/01/2024 ** Approximately 2 weeks after the deadline TBA TBA
NOTE: The deadline listed is for REGISTRATION with the Reves Center! The APPLICATION itself will be due to the third-party provider or host university DIRECTLY, based on THEIR deadlines (which may be before or after the W&M registration deadline listed above).

** Students will be notified of their status for this program and be able to complete post-decision materials following the term's application deadline.