If you wish to study abroad in a program offered by one of the following providers, it is not necessary to complete the Petition to Attend a Non-Approved Study Abroad Program. In this case please email Adam Ferguson at adferguson@wm.edu who can open an application for you.
• Academic Programs International (API)
• Arcadia University
• Council on International Exchange (CIEE), unless in a travel warning country
• Institute for International Education of Students (IES)
• International Studies Abroad (ISA)
• School for Field Studies (SIT)
Note: For Semester at Sea please click here.
If you have searched for your program of interest in the study abroad program search on the Reves website, and it is not listed or offered by one of the above providers, it is highly recommended you meet with the Global Education staff advisor for that specific country (after attending a 101 workshop) to discuss approved programs that meet your goals. Email peeradvisors@wm.edu to request an appointment with the appropriate advisor.
If after meeting with the Global Education advisor you are still only interested in attending a program not on the approved list, you must register your study abroad with the Global Education Office by applying to "Other Study Abroad Program."
It may say that this program is "currently not accepting applications" above -- this is because you must follow the steps below and then we will start an application for you.
- Complete the Petition to Attend a Non-Approved Study Abroad Program now, before seeking pre-approval or paying any fees!
- It may take 2-3 weeks for the Registrar’s Office and Global Education Office to determine eligibility of the program for transfer credit and registration. Allow sufficient time before the application or registration deadlines.
- You will be contacted, via email once your petition has been reviewed.
- For questions about eligibility, contact Global Education Advisor Adam Ferguson (adferguson@wm.edu).
If you have general study abroad questions, please contact the Reves Center at wmabroad@wm.edu, or (757) 221-3594.